2Synology DSM 7.0 Preview 출시 일정 관련
We are delaying the release of DSM 7.0 Preview from our original release window in February until Q3 2020. DSM 7.0 is already at a stage where we have finished implementing most under-the-hood changes and core functionality. It is also at a quality level that we're confident in using on a daily basis. However, we’re moving the release window to ensure the preview release is more indicative of th..
Synology 2020.02.19 PlorenceSynology DSM 7.0 Preview
DSM 7.0 프리뷰가 드디어 공개됐습니다. 베타를 참여하시려면 반드시 등록해야 하고, 시놀로지 계정이 필요합니다. 등록기간은 2020년 1월 14일까지니 베타 참여하실 분들은 그전에 하셔야 합니다. https://event.synology.com/en-global/dsm_preview
Synology 2020.01.01 Plorence